Insert additional Elements
Photo Commander trenner Insert additional Elements

The Ashampoo Photo Commander 10 offers a lot of possibilities to add comments, drawings and sometimes even funny things to your pictures. See below for more detailed information and an edit examples, but we rather suggest at this point you just try yourself. Its fun!!


Just click on Edit to see the bar containing these features.

Photo Commander snap 2011.02.15 13h06m07s 037.zoom77 Insert additional Elements

Picture additions / elements (l. to r.)

Photo Commander trenner Insert additional Elements


Insert text: If you want to add a caption, comment,etc. this is place to do so. Click on the button and the editor  to define the format will open. After this, click on the picture and pull the frame into the correct size and position.    


Draw rectangle / ellipse / line : Sometime geometric shapes and simple drawings are useful. With these three  little features it’s a child’s play to do so. Click on  the appropriate button and click on the picture afterwards. Please keep in mind that there is always a menu above to change the color, style, etc. of the shape (s. picture below).


Draw pen: This is a free hand pencil to paint without a preset shape.


Insert a bitmap from a file: Modern image editing often needs the junction of pictures, layers, etc. Choose this function to insert another picture. The added picture will be positioned in front of the main picture and can be edited as usual.


Draw hint: This is the place to add comments or hints. Click on this button first and then at your picture to get an arrow and a text field for your descriptions.


Draw arrow: Draws an arrow which color, arrowhead and size can be defined individually.


Callout: Every comic strip needs a call-out and even your picture can gain a funny and surprising touch with it. Just click on the button to open up a typical speech balloon. A double click on the default text will give you the opportunity to type in a new text.


Insert object: Sometimes it’s fun to add stamps, hats and sunglasses to your photos. Click here and a folder containing some nice shapes. Choose a shape and arrange it by pulling it to the right place and size.



Photo Commander snap 2011.02.17 13h25m17s 027.zoom60 Insert additional Elements



Hint: When you applied an effect to a picture, you can directly compare the original picture with the edited one. For further information go here.

Insert additional Elements