Find double images Ashampoo Photo Commander 10 enables you to find double and similar images on your computer. Ashampoo Photo Commander 10 compares images by their content, and can find duplicates, even if the file size and file name is different or the image has been resized or slightly modified. You can set the level of required match in percentage. Found images can be compared easily side-by-side. You can choose whether you want to copy, to delete to move the images or just add them to a playlist.
· | Use the percentage field to indicate the level of desired similarity and select the picture to start the |
comparison. (from 0 to 100).
· | Select the start option to search for double and similar images in the currently selected folder (and its sub-folders). |
Automatically Find Double Images in Folder
It’s even more comfortable to start a comparison between each and every picture in a folder (and optional also all subfolders). It’s just like the specific feature above, but you won’t have to add a source picture. Here you will also get quick results. Firstly, type in the degree of similarity. If you only want to search for exact copies, please enter 100%, or otherwise just use the default value of 90%, which covers quite a good range of photos. If you are just looking for basic similarities, please use a lower percentage value. Then select a folder to be searched. If you want to search subfolders too (this would be very practical to search a complete hard drive for example), please tick the box next to Include subfolders. After that click on Start and Ashampoo Photo Commander 10 will list the results. The result list provides a comfortable overview of the double or similar images that were found. Already in the result list you can just click on an image and see a preview of the found and the original image (see below). |
Ashampoo Photo Commander 10 creates an even more comfortable overview by creating an Album in which the identical or very similar pictures are added as pairs. This way you can take you time to view all found double and similar images and delete or move images. |